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SESANE is the Software Environment for Speech ANalysis and Evaluation. All the clinical applications are based on the same frame with a state-of-the-art user interface including a patients manager, printing tools...

A range of Windows software applications have been developed for phonatory function testing using the EVA2 or DIANA system. Each application was designed for fast and easy data acquisition and processing. Data presentation has been optimized for clinical use.



Available software applications:


Multitrack digital recorder (EVA2, DIANA)

For perceptual analysis.

Patient is recorded at different steps of therapy. Therapist can listen to the tracks easily and can compare the vocal production.

Voice profile (EVA2, DIANA)

Provide objective data in voice assessment.
To help the follow-up after surgery, medical treatment or voice therapy

Using a multi-dimensional approach, this application calculates the most used indexes on a sustained "a" production: jitter ratio, jitter factor, relative average perturbation (RAP), shimmer factor, amplitude perturbation quotient (APQ), signal ratio, normalized noise energy (NNE), harmonic to noise ratio (HNR).

Associated to this acoustic information, the system provides aerodynamic data as oral airflow and glottic leakage.


Phonetogram (EVA2, DIANA)

To obtain the voice range profile by recording minimal and maximal intensity of voice according to the pitch.

The subject is placed at thirty centimetres from the microphone. He pronounces a /a/ at a medium pitch, at the lowest intensity possible, then at the loudest intensity. These intensities are displayed in the ordinate of a diagram where the notes are placed in abscissa. The process is repeated, note by note in decreasing order, until the lowest frequency the subject is able to produce. Then in ascending order until the highest frequency possible, whatever the timbre of the subject.

Free mode(subject can speak fluently)

Spectrogram (EVA2, DIANA)

The Spectrogram (or sonagram) allows to visualize the spectral variations of the speech signal versus time.

The spectral analysis is realized with FFTs in wide or narrow bands. It is possible to choose at any instant of the Spectrogram the representation of spectral sections (frequency / amplitude) and the LPC spectrum to measure formants.

All the spectrogram parameters are fully customizable : window size/step, emphasis, colours count, black and white or color ...

Real Time Feedback (EVA2, DIANA)

A Biofeedback tool which provides dynamic displays

  • during vowels production (formants are displayed in real time).
  • during singing task (spectrum is displayed in real time)
Prosody (EVA2, DIANA)

To assess prosodic disorders, especially in case of neurological disease (ex: Parkinsonians)
To assess speech expressivity.

Allows the analysis of :

  • melodic patterns
  • intensity variations
  • duration / syllabic rate
  • pauses during discourse
Maximal phonation time (EVA2, DIANA)

To measure the endurance during phonation.

Results : duration (maximal phonation time), mean fundamental frequency, mean SPL Intensity, mean oral airflow, expired volume during phonation

EGG assessment (EVA2, DIANA)

Provides an information on the closure of vocal folds by measuring the electrical resistance between two electrodes placed around the neck (more about EGG)

Results : pitch, instability (jitter shimmer, APQ, RAP), Closed Quotient


Spirometry(aerodynamic EVA2)

To measure the vital capacity. To detect breathing insufficiency.

Glottal efficiency (aerodynamic EVA2)

This program allows to evaluate the glottal efficiency, i.e. a ratio between the quantity of acoustic energy and the quantity of aerodynamic energy used for this production. These indexes explore the phenomenon of vocal strain.

Smitheran and Hixon: airway interrupted method:

1. The subject pronounces a set of " pa pa pa pa pa pa ... " .
2. During production of /p/, the lips are closed and the glottis is open. An equilibrium of pressures is established in the vocal tract=> Sub-glottic pressure is estimated by measuring the intra-oral pressure.
3. During production of /a/, recording of the acoustic intensity and oral airflow

Nasality (aerodynamic EVA2)

Relationships between speech, oral and nasal airflow.

  • to evaluate the degree of congenital or established velar deficiencies by measuring the nasal leakage during a speech production.
  • to study the labials, apico-alveolar and lingo-palatal articulations by displaying the oral airflow, and the velar articulations by displaying the nasal airflow.
  • assessment of precocious dysarthria.
Rhinomanometry (aerodynamic EVA2)

Method for analysing the nasal resistance during breathing.

  • active anterior or posterior method
  • expiration and inspiration
  • binasal or uninasal
  • method with mask or with cannula

Provides a set of objective measures in relationship with the sensation of nasal occlusion