EVA2 home page
Aerodynamic sensors
(airflows, pressures)

Technical Report

Ghio A., Teston B., (2004) "Evaluation of the acoustic and aerodynamic constraints of a pneumotachograph for speech and voice studies", International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomecanics, Marseille, France, August 18-20, 2004, p.55-58
Ghio A., Teston B. (2002) "Caractéristiques de la dynamique d'un pneumotachographe pour l'étude de la production de la parole: aspects acoustique et aérodynamique", 24èmes Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP), Nancy, France, p.337-340
Hautefeuille, M. (2003). Calibration statique et dynamique du système de mesures aérodynamiques EVA.: Stage 1ère année Ingénieur, ENSERG - Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.


Most of the sensors are fixed on a device called "mouthpiece "(patented device):

Subject position to record acoustic and aerodynamic data with the "mouthpiece"


The EVA2™ system measures airflow using a wide-range, grid pneumotachograph featuring low dead space and high linearity. With a 1 l/s airflow, grid resistance is about 10 Pa, which is equivalent to 1/100 of a standard sub-glottic pressure (10 hPa). So, the load caused by the grid is very low. The measure can be done in expiration, but also in aspiration.

Technical specifications of pressure sensors are